10 Makeup Hacks | BEAUTY 101 | EPISODE5

Hola beauties!
As you guys know, I'm no professional in any way. But, you guys like to ask me questions (which I love, keep doing that!), and I think they're always quite repetitive so today, I decided to gather those questions here along with my answers!
Note: this is a 'hack' post; these tips may work for me but I cannot give you any insurance that they will also 100% work for you, but let's hope so.
Let's go:
1. Struggling with eyeliner?
This is the most frequently asked question I get, but I think it's actually really easy to master the 'perfect cat eye'!
There are 2 steps you need to follow:
First, find out if you prefer gel or liquid. Personally, I prefer liquid because I think it's easier to use, but I know many girls that would never replace their gel liner! Test both and see which one is better for you. My recommendations are: Stila Stay All Day Liquid Eyliner (liquid) or the Inglot AMC Eyeliner Gel (gel)
After you found what you like: how can you get those wings even??
Easy solution: Use scotch tape! Simply take a small piece of tape, make it less sticky by sticking it onto your hand a few times, and apply it from your bottom lash line (eye corner) towards the end of your eyebrow.
Now, if you're super duper precise you can kind of mesure how far you want to extend your wing. Simply make a little dot onto the tape (not your skin) and check if both dots are even. Now you can easily create your wing! Another thing is; always start out with a thin line. It's easier to thicken it up a little bit than to thin it out. Use your tape a guideline. You can draw onto the tape without worrying, just don't loose control over it.
When you're done, remove the tape and be surprised of how perfect your wing looks!
2. Fallout on the cheeks or under your eye?
If you're planning on doing either a colorful or a dark eye, I suggest you do your eyes before doing your face. Reason why is because if you get some fallout, it's easier (or like, the only way) to clean it up when you don't have any makeup there yet.
Now, if you get fallout onto your bare face, people tend to take a wipe or something similar and just rub it away. But sometimes, that glitter or that black shadow just won't come off!
Well, that's because you should not use a makeup remover wipe to remove that fallout.
Use a cotton pad and apply a little bit of moisturizer onto it and gently go over the fallout. This is a simple yet the most effective method to remove any glitter or dark shadow and your under-eye area will thank you!
3. How to cover up dark under-eye circles?
While the best method is enough sleep, I am really well aware that some people tend to have those even with enough sleep.
If that's your case, I feel sorry for you. If you're struggling with covering that up, I'm here to help!
There's this thing that went viral for a few weeks but then people forgot about it: it was a girl who used red lipstick under her eyes and then applied concealer and foundation over it. That was a classic hack video, which was almost impossible to recreate for some people because they either didn't have the right lipstick or the red wouldn't disappear under concealer blabla.
But, the concept was great! You can easily buy color-correcting palettes, in any drugstore or high end makeup store. But sometimes you can also use your cream contour palette, depending on if you do buy the 'darkest' one, or just buy a concealer in that color. You can do whatever you want.
Basically, what you're looking for is a orange-y (if you have a darker skin tone) or a salmon-y (for lighter skin tones) color.
Apply that, light-handed (don't go overboard because less IS more!), onto your under eye area and blend lightly. After, you apply your regular foundation and/or concealer and you're good to go!
This is a method you can easily use if you have kind of deep dark circles. If your dark circles are not as deep, just use a high coverage concealer like the Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer or the Tarte Shape Tape and you should be good to go!
4. Make your concealer stay on pimples?
Many of you tell me about how they successfully covered their pimple up in the morning but in the afternoon the concealer was totally gone and the pimple was more visible than ever.
I know that can be quite discouraging but don't give up!
First off, buy a concealer that has staying power. I know this sounds quite obvious, but you really have to play around with that because some stay better than others. I found that for me, liquid concealers work better than cream concealers. And then there's also a difference between for example the NYX HD Concealer and the Nars Radiant Cream Concealer. While the NYX one covers quite good, it just won't stay on the whole day, which is why I switched to the Nars one.
You really have to experiment for yourself on this one though, because I know some people where cream concealers work better. It's really up to you.
Now, next step: you have applied your concealer and the mess is kind of covered up - what next? Apply your favorite powder. Either a translucent one or a powder foundation, it's whatever you think has a better staying power. I found that my translucent powder (Make Up For Ever HD) actually works better than my powder foundation (MAC Studio Fix Powder).
Up to here, I'm guessing that that's your normal routine when it comes to cover a pimple up. But it's not actually here where you can stop:
Next step is applying some fixing spray (Examples: Urban Decay All Nighter, Mac Fix+, Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day). Let that set and then apply another layer of concealer and/or powder.
This will create an extra barrier and your concealer won't fade as easily. You can repeat this step as often as you want, just be aware that if you apply more than 3 layers, it will look cakey.
5. No matter what foundation I use, my skin gets oily?
This is something I've experienced on myself too, but there's actually an easy solution for that too. These are tricks I learned from Wayne Goss if I remember correctly:
Apply your primer and then the powder you usually use to set your foundation, only then apply the foundation on top of that powder.
This will help like a lot to keep your oils at bay! Plus, this is wonderful if you really really like a certain finish of a foundation and don't want to set it.
Another thing you can do, is take some loose powder and mix that in with your foundation, then apply to your face. This will not only increase the coverage of your foundation, it will also give it a matte finish and you won't need to set it, except if you really want to.
Try both versions and see which one works better for you. This is especially great for summer!
Just be sure that you use a powder which won't clog your pores since that will cause you to break out.
6. I cannot get my eyeshadows to blend properly and seamlessly?
This is either because your eyeshadows are not blendable (yup, unfortunately that does exist and this does not have to do with how expensive your shadow was) or because you don't use the right shades or brush.
When your shadow is just patchy and chalky, just forget about it and use another one.
When it comes to choosing the right shade, always start off with an ashy shade through your crease. This should be just a tiny bit darker than your actual skin tone. Use the fluffiest blending brush you own to apply that and then, as you use darker shades, use smaller brushes.
Always think of how less is more, because while it's easy to build up a shadow, it's a pain in the ass to blend 'too much' shadow out.
Once you get the hang of blending, you will be able to start off with darker colours, but until then, I suggest that you start with shades like for example 'Anaheim' from Urban Decay.
You will be surprised at how a simple shade like that one will make your application and blending easier.
7. How to make any lipstick last longer and transfer less?
I know how disgusting it looks when you're in public, drink out of a glass and then your whole mouth left a mark on that glass. Or when you use a tissue after eating and you just turn that tissue into a whole other colour. Just. Not. Cute.
I think that liquid lipsticks are the best thing ever (not every liquid lipstick though) if you use for example a Gerard Cosmetics (my favs) Hydra Matte, that baby won't go anywhere and will stay on the whole day.
But I know that some of you just don't like to use liquid lipsticks because they can be really drying.
So if you only use regular lipsticks, here's how to make them stay longer and transfer less:
Apply your first layer of lipstick. Blot with a tissue so that there's no excess. Apply a light layer of translucent loose powder over your lips. Apply a second layer of lipstick, blot, apply powder.
You can keep doing that process until you think you're good to go, there's really no right or wrong about it.
From my own experience, I think that 2 to 3 layers are more than enough.
8. How to make the lash curl last longer?
A lash curler is a girl's best friend, if you take the right one.
I know there are many scary videos out there where people loose all their lashes because they use a lash curler, but to be honest that's some major bulls*it. The reason why that lash curler pulls out their lashes is because they either have mascara on them or mascara on the plastic part of the curler.
So if you always keep your curler clean, that won't happen to you.
Now, if you know me, you know that I lost all hope and faith into my lashes, just because they're so non-existant and stick straight, I just can't help myself. (Long live falsies!)
But if you're blessed with beautiful lashes, but need a lash curler because they're not beautifully curved as to enhance your pretty eyes to the limit, I can give you some tips!
First, you know, your lashes is basically hairs. And how do you curl your hair? With heat!
So what you should try is to heat up your curler with your blowdryer. Just a few seconds is enough and then, test on the back of your hand it the curler is not too hot (you don't wanna burn your eye!!)
Then just curl your lashes, from the root up to the end.
Apply a dry-formula mascara (most waterproof mascaras are drier, but I found that the Too Faced Better Than Sex one is also quite dry) and your curl should stay the whole day without dropping!
9. Struggling with applying falsies?
I feel like this is also a question I get quite a lot because a lot of you guys noticed (on Snapchat) that I'm basically always wearing false lashes.
To be honest, I think that falsies are something you need to get used to if you want to wear them. At the beginning, it's always a little bit weird because they just feel so heavy and it just doesn't feel right.
But trust me that after you kind of get used to them, you won't even notice them anymore!
Another thing many people do wrong is buying a pair with a really thick band and a really full set of lashes as their first pair and that's just so wrong!
You should always start off with a light pair, like the Ardell Demi Wispies for example. They have a super thin, invisible band which is really bendable and they are super comfortable.
Once you get used to applying lashes you can then try thicker ones.
Another problem is often the glue. People tend to use the glue that comes with the lashes, but very often that glue just doesn't stick because it's a bad quality glue.
The most affordable yet super great one I've found is the DUO adhesive. That even often comes with the Ardell Demi Wispies; so a perfect starter kit!
Another one which is super great and the stickiest one out there is the House Of Lashes glue.
So now you have the right pair of falsies and the right glue - what now?
I've seen so many girls applying their glue onto their falsies and applying them right away but don't do that!
Your glue needs to become tacky first so let that happen. This generally takes about 20-30seconds.
Then apply your lashes, stick the middle part down first, then the inner corner and finish off with the outer corner.
Even though this sounds like too much work, trust me that if you get the hang of it, you can apply any lash pair in about 1 minute.
10. Make your highlight pop?
If you scroll down your Instagram, you will see beautiful faces with crazy highlight.
Now trust me, that an Instagram-highlight only works for Instagram. If you'd go out with that you would look really really weird.
To get a good Instagram pic, you need to really layer on that makeup and look crazy, but that will look good in photos.
If you want a really great highlight that will show up in daylight but doesn't look too overdone, that's easy!
The first thing is that you need to find the right highlighter. There are so many out there, I know but my few faves are: the Gerard Cosmetics Star Powder in Audrey, the ones in the Sleek Solstice palette, MAC universal glow, Kiko Beam of Light, etc.
When you use your highlighter as a last finishing step, apply some fixing spray onto your face before application. Use a light hand when doing so!!! (Less is more!)
If you use your highlighter before you set your face with powder, you can do so.
Just don't use it over an all-powdered face. It will just not show up as beautifully.
You can also spray your brush with some fixing spray and then apply your highlighter.
There are literally so many possibilities. But always think of how less is more. I do understand that sometimes you just want a blinding highlight to blend them haters out but, just don't go overly crazy.
4. Make your concealer stay on pimples?
Many of you tell me about how they successfully covered their pimple up in the morning but in the afternoon the concealer was totally gone and the pimple was more visible than ever.
I know that can be quite discouraging but don't give up!
First off, buy a concealer that has staying power. I know this sounds quite obvious, but you really have to play around with that because some stay better than others. I found that for me, liquid concealers work better than cream concealers. And then there's also a difference between for example the NYX HD Concealer and the Nars Radiant Cream Concealer. While the NYX one covers quite good, it just won't stay on the whole day, which is why I switched to the Nars one.
You really have to experiment for yourself on this one though, because I know some people where cream concealers work better. It's really up to you.
Now, next step: you have applied your concealer and the mess is kind of covered up - what next? Apply your favorite powder. Either a translucent one or a powder foundation, it's whatever you think has a better staying power. I found that my translucent powder (Make Up For Ever HD) actually works better than my powder foundation (MAC Studio Fix Powder).
Up to here, I'm guessing that that's your normal routine when it comes to cover a pimple up. But it's not actually here where you can stop:
Next step is applying some fixing spray (Examples: Urban Decay All Nighter, Mac Fix+, Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day). Let that set and then apply another layer of concealer and/or powder.
This will create an extra barrier and your concealer won't fade as easily. You can repeat this step as often as you want, just be aware that if you apply more than 3 layers, it will look cakey.
5. No matter what foundation I use, my skin gets oily?
This is something I've experienced on myself too, but there's actually an easy solution for that too. These are tricks I learned from Wayne Goss if I remember correctly:
Apply your primer and then the powder you usually use to set your foundation, only then apply the foundation on top of that powder.
This will help like a lot to keep your oils at bay! Plus, this is wonderful if you really really like a certain finish of a foundation and don't want to set it.
Another thing you can do, is take some loose powder and mix that in with your foundation, then apply to your face. This will not only increase the coverage of your foundation, it will also give it a matte finish and you won't need to set it, except if you really want to.
Try both versions and see which one works better for you. This is especially great for summer!
Just be sure that you use a powder which won't clog your pores since that will cause you to break out.
6. I cannot get my eyeshadows to blend properly and seamlessly?
This is either because your eyeshadows are not blendable (yup, unfortunately that does exist and this does not have to do with how expensive your shadow was) or because you don't use the right shades or brush.
When your shadow is just patchy and chalky, just forget about it and use another one.
When it comes to choosing the right shade, always start off with an ashy shade through your crease. This should be just a tiny bit darker than your actual skin tone. Use the fluffiest blending brush you own to apply that and then, as you use darker shades, use smaller brushes.
Always think of how less is more, because while it's easy to build up a shadow, it's a pain in the ass to blend 'too much' shadow out.
Once you get the hang of blending, you will be able to start off with darker colours, but until then, I suggest that you start with shades like for example 'Anaheim' from Urban Decay.
You will be surprised at how a simple shade like that one will make your application and blending easier.
7. How to make any lipstick last longer and transfer less?
I know how disgusting it looks when you're in public, drink out of a glass and then your whole mouth left a mark on that glass. Or when you use a tissue after eating and you just turn that tissue into a whole other colour. Just. Not. Cute.
I think that liquid lipsticks are the best thing ever (not every liquid lipstick though) if you use for example a Gerard Cosmetics (my favs) Hydra Matte, that baby won't go anywhere and will stay on the whole day.
But I know that some of you just don't like to use liquid lipsticks because they can be really drying.
So if you only use regular lipsticks, here's how to make them stay longer and transfer less:
Apply your first layer of lipstick. Blot with a tissue so that there's no excess. Apply a light layer of translucent loose powder over your lips. Apply a second layer of lipstick, blot, apply powder.
You can keep doing that process until you think you're good to go, there's really no right or wrong about it.
From my own experience, I think that 2 to 3 layers are more than enough.
8. How to make the lash curl last longer?
A lash curler is a girl's best friend, if you take the right one.
I know there are many scary videos out there where people loose all their lashes because they use a lash curler, but to be honest that's some major bulls*it. The reason why that lash curler pulls out their lashes is because they either have mascara on them or mascara on the plastic part of the curler.
So if you always keep your curler clean, that won't happen to you.
Now, if you know me, you know that I lost all hope and faith into my lashes, just because they're so non-existant and stick straight, I just can't help myself. (Long live falsies!)
But if you're blessed with beautiful lashes, but need a lash curler because they're not beautifully curved as to enhance your pretty eyes to the limit, I can give you some tips!
First, you know, your lashes is basically hairs. And how do you curl your hair? With heat!
So what you should try is to heat up your curler with your blowdryer. Just a few seconds is enough and then, test on the back of your hand it the curler is not too hot (you don't wanna burn your eye!!)
Then just curl your lashes, from the root up to the end.
Apply a dry-formula mascara (most waterproof mascaras are drier, but I found that the Too Faced Better Than Sex one is also quite dry) and your curl should stay the whole day without dropping!
9. Struggling with applying falsies?
I feel like this is also a question I get quite a lot because a lot of you guys noticed (on Snapchat) that I'm basically always wearing false lashes.
To be honest, I think that falsies are something you need to get used to if you want to wear them. At the beginning, it's always a little bit weird because they just feel so heavy and it just doesn't feel right.
But trust me that after you kind of get used to them, you won't even notice them anymore!
Another thing many people do wrong is buying a pair with a really thick band and a really full set of lashes as their first pair and that's just so wrong!
You should always start off with a light pair, like the Ardell Demi Wispies for example. They have a super thin, invisible band which is really bendable and they are super comfortable.
Once you get used to applying lashes you can then try thicker ones.
Another problem is often the glue. People tend to use the glue that comes with the lashes, but very often that glue just doesn't stick because it's a bad quality glue.
The most affordable yet super great one I've found is the DUO adhesive. That even often comes with the Ardell Demi Wispies; so a perfect starter kit!
Another one which is super great and the stickiest one out there is the House Of Lashes glue.
So now you have the right pair of falsies and the right glue - what now?
I've seen so many girls applying their glue onto their falsies and applying them right away but don't do that!
Your glue needs to become tacky first so let that happen. This generally takes about 20-30seconds.
Then apply your lashes, stick the middle part down first, then the inner corner and finish off with the outer corner.
Even though this sounds like too much work, trust me that if you get the hang of it, you can apply any lash pair in about 1 minute.
10. Make your highlight pop?
If you scroll down your Instagram, you will see beautiful faces with crazy highlight.
Now trust me, that an Instagram-highlight only works for Instagram. If you'd go out with that you would look really really weird.
To get a good Instagram pic, you need to really layer on that makeup and look crazy, but that will look good in photos.
If you want a really great highlight that will show up in daylight but doesn't look too overdone, that's easy!
The first thing is that you need to find the right highlighter. There are so many out there, I know but my few faves are: the Gerard Cosmetics Star Powder in Audrey, the ones in the Sleek Solstice palette, MAC universal glow, Kiko Beam of Light, etc.
When you use your highlighter as a last finishing step, apply some fixing spray onto your face before application. Use a light hand when doing so!!! (Less is more!)
If you use your highlighter before you set your face with powder, you can do so.
Just don't use it over an all-powdered face. It will just not show up as beautifully.
You can also spray your brush with some fixing spray and then apply your highlighter.
There are literally so many possibilities. But always think of how less is more. I do understand that sometimes you just want a blinding highlight to blend them haters out but, just don't go overly crazy.
And we're already done!
I hope you enjoyed this.
As always, if you have any other questions, comments, concerns, don't hesitate to leave me a comment or hit me up on my socials:
xx nathi😘
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